MongoDB operator: Support for accessing syslog and mounting additional volumes for audit collection


MongoDB operator: Support for accessing syslog and mounting additional volumes for audit collection


Add the ability to configure syslog and add option to mount additional volumes, so i can use a sidecar like fluentbit to collect audit logs

If this is already possible, can someone please guide me how this can be setup, using the psmdb-db helm chart? percona-helm-charts/charts/psmdb-db/ at main · percona/percona-helm-charts · GitHub


Currently i cannot access audit logs in syslog or file format as i cannot access these directories from a sidecar. Having the option to modify rsyslog.conf or mounting volumes on the mongod pod will allow me to collect the logs using fluent-bit

In the existing operator, we can add volumes and mounts to sidecars, but there is no extraVolumes or additionalVolumes property available for the mongod replicaset itself, so i cannot expose directories for fluentbit to collect from

For our SIEM monitoring, we have a requirement to collect audit events from MongoDB

Hi @Balaal_Ashraf, we do not have this feature now. Could you please create the task in Percona Operator for MongoDB - Issues - Percona JIRA project?


Sorry for the late response. Now added as [K8SPSMDB-1069] - Percona JIRA - Let me know if there is the option to contribute, as i would be more than happy to!