Mongodb connection failing after auto renew of certificates


mongodb connection failing after auto renew of certificates

Steps to Reproduce:

I have deployed mongodb cluster 60days back, today i issue, after checking i got to know that certificates are renewed




Expected Result:

Mongodb should work fine after certificates are renewed

Actual Result:

Mongodb connection failing

Additional Information:

I can see certificates are renewed

kubectl get secret/mongo-db-ssl -n mongodb -o jsonpath='{.data.tls\.crt}' | base64 --decode | openssl x509 -noout -dates.

**notBefore=Jul 14 08:21:28 2023 GMT**
**notAfter=Oct 12 08:21:28 2023 GMT**

Did you find the solution for this? I ran into the same issue, I had to restart the cluster for it to start using the new certificate.

@TylerSendflex No.
I have also restarted cluster.