Mongo exporter not working when used in docker containers

I’m created 3 mongodb containers with a replica set and initiated it and one percona mongo exporter but It is failing with the error

Error msg=“Cannot connect to MongoDB: invalid MongoDB options: a direct connection cannot be made if multiple hosts are specified”

here is the commands used

docker run
–name mongodb1
-p 30001:27017
–replSet mongoSet

docker run
–name mongodb2
-p 30002:27017
–replSet mongoSet

docker run
–name mongodb3
-p 30003:27017
–replSet mongoSet

docker run -d -p 9216:9216 --name mongodb-exporter percona/mongodb_exporter:2.37.0 --mongodb.uri=mongodb://user:pass@

here is the container ip address of mongodb1

inside mongoshell of mongodb1:

config = { “_id”:“mongoSet”,“members”:[{_id:0,host:”"},{_id:1,host:“”},{_id:2,host:“”}] };


rs.status() For this command I see primary is mongodb1 and the rest are secondary in the output