After running the commnad below, the pmm agent starts successfully but its not able to populate the metrics data. I also see the node getting registered on the PMM server as well as its visible in the Grafana dashboard. But the metrics data does not populate.
Below is the error from the syslog:
INFO[2022-04-14T15:25:35.092-07:00] 2022-04-14T22:25:35.092Z error VictoriaMetrics/lib/promscrape/scrapework.go:354error when scraping "" from job "node_exporter_agent_id_215daabc-96e7-4bdd-aa12-26a826c92c9e_hr-1s" with labels {agent_id="/agent_id/215daabc-96e7-4bdd-aa12-26a826c92c9e",agent_type="node_exporter",instance="/agent_id/215daabc-96e7-4bdd-aa12-26a826c92c9e",job="node_exporter_agent_id_215daabc-96e7-4bdd-aa12-26a826c92c9e_hr-1s",machine_id="/machine_id/cd7ecc10985f4f65a08f0ba525114dc0",node_id="/node_id/f09e4234-5f04-40e7-9a8f-c082d3851d08",node_name="ht-prod-tcdb2.spacex.corp",node_type="generic"}: error when scraping "" with timeout 1s: timeout agentID=/agent_id/e5db1093-68ec-4623-992f-67e9ccf4daed component=agent-process type=vm_agent
There is not much information there. Can you please show how you set up PMM, how did you register the agent to the server, and how did you add mysql service to PMM?
Can you run ss -nltp | grep 42000 and see if PMM is listening on that port? If so, you probably have some firewall which is blocking PMM from scraping its own data.
Hello, I identified the issue. The node_exported is timing out because there are so too many virtual filesystems and the exporter is timing out while collecting those metrics.
Command I ran for that - lsof -p $(pidof node_exporter)
i can see all the virtual filesystems… and a simple df -k takes more than 5s to respond.
Is there any way to fix the timeout parameter for the exporter?