Logical Backup with TLS Cluster fails

Running version 2.1 of the pbm agent
Percona MongoDB sharded cluster with TLS and X509 authentication (version 6.0.6-5)

We are able to perform the following types of backups:

  • physical (pbm backup --type=physical)
  • incremental base (pbm backup --type=incremental --base)
  • incremental (pbm backup --type=incremental)
  • incremental base with NS (pbm backup --type=incremental --base --ns=dbname.*)
  • incremental with NS (pbm backup --type=incremental --ns=dbname.*)

Note that incremental base with NS appears to be the same as incremental base (entire cluster)

However, when we attempt a logical backup or logical with namespace we get the following error:

Starting backup '2024-08-02T13:59:43Z'...
Waiting for ''2024-08-02T13:59:43Z' backup... fails
Error: mongodump: decompose: prelude: read: I/O failure reading beginning of archive: write to: init: can't create session: error configuring the connector: error configuring client, can't load client certificate: tls: private key does not match public key

We can log in to the cluster ($ mongosh …) using the same keys as we have in the mongodb-uri: PBM_MONGODB_URI=mongodb://localhost:27017/?tls&tlsCAFile=&tlsCertificateKeyFile=&authMechanism=MONGODB-X509&authSource=$external

Is there something wrong with the cluster configuration, or maybe with the agent configuration? All the other pbm commands work fine (status, cleanup, delete-backup, etc.).

Hi @ltouve!
I suggest you to upgrade PBM to the latest version.
Your issue looks very similar to https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/TOOLS-2598
Since PBM depends on mongo-tools and in PBM 2.1.0 we have older version of the mongo-tools library - the problem you described might occur.
Unaffected mongo-tools library was included in PBM version 2.3.0


Thanks, that did the trick. Everything is working fine now.

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