Local state and group state in percona Xtradb Cluster 8.0.27

Cluster : PXC 8.0.27 3 node cluster .

Hi there
How do i check the local state and group state of a node in percona xtradb cluster 8.0.27…?

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You can use this:

show status like “wsrep%”;
show status like “wsrep_local_state”;
show status like “wsrep_cluster_status”;


Iam able to find the show status like “wsrep_local_state”;

but not able to find → group state

mysql2 > show status like '%wsrep_group_state%';
Empty set (0.00 sec)

wsrep_cluster_status should indicate if the cluster is in PRIMARY state or not. What other group information are you looking for? The number of connected nodes is also found wsrep_cluster_size

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here is the sample one … mentioned in the second line which iam looking for…

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What is the exact thing you need know about the cluster? There is no wsrep_group_state. What you are pointing out on line 2 is the cluster UUID and a sequence number.

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Thanks …:slight_smile:

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