Linux startup using systemd

Hello. I would like to know if someone have created a Percona startup using Linux systemd. The Percona have three servers in the cluster. Thank you.

Hello @zz43,
systemd scripts have been included with MySQL and Percona XtraDB Cluster for almost 5 years. When you install via yum/apt, these scripts are automatically installed for you. If you downloaded the binary tarball, the scripts are located there too.

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Hello matthewb,
I didn’t install the software as another person did install it. In which directory do they reside? Thank you.

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find /etc/systemd/ -name "*mysql*" should reveal the script path

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Hello matthewb,
For some reason, I don’t have any mysql file in /etc/systemd. Where can I download the install tar files? Many thanx.

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systemctl --all -t service | grep mysql shows nothing?

If not, then you can download the tarball from Percona Software downloads for databases

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Hello matthewb,
I show no mysql service. I will download from the site. Thank you again.

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