on Centos 6-8.el6.12.3.x86_64 with mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.6.34, I am having trouble with installing Percona Toolkit:
yum install percona-toolkit-2.2.20-1.noarch.rpm
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, security
Setting up Install Process
Examining percona-toolkit-2.2.20-1.noarch.rpm: percona-toolkit-2.2.20-1.noarch
Marking percona-toolkit-2.2.20-1.noarch.rpm to be installed
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
- epel: mirror.steadfast.net
Resolving Dependencies
→ Running transaction check
—> Package percona-toolkit.noarch 0:2.2.20-1 will be installed
→ Processing Dependency: perl(DBD::mysql) >= 1.0 for package: percona-toolkit-2.2.20-1.noarch
→ Processing Dependency: perl(IO::Socket::SSL) for package: percona-toolkit-2.2.20-1.noarch
→ Processing Dependency: perl(Term::ReadKey) for package: percona-toolkit-2.2.20-1.noarch
→ Finished Dependency Resolution
Error: Package: percona-toolkit-2.2.20-1.noarch (/percona-toolkit-2.2.20-1.noarch)
Requires: perl(Term::ReadKey)
Error: Package: percona-toolkit-2.2.20-1.noarch (/percona-toolkit-2.2.20-1.noarch)
Requires: perl(IO::Socket::SSL)
Error: Package: percona-toolkit-2.2.20-1.noarch (/percona-toolkit-2.2.20-1.noarch)
Requires: perl(DBD::mysql) >= 1.0
You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest
I’m not able to install the dependencies
yum install perl-TermReadKey
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, security
Setting up Install Process
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
- epel: mirror.steadfast.net
No package perl-TermReadKey available.
Error: Nothing to do
New to centos and not sure what is missing. Can you please help?