I have a Vagrant box I’m trying to install Percona Server for MongoDB on. I run “yum install Percona-Server-MongoDB -y” then “service mongod start” but I get the following:
[root@localhost vagrant]# service mongod start
Starting mongod: [FAILED]
[root@localhost vagrant]#
I then try this:
[root@localhost vagrant]# mongod -f /etc/mongod.conf
2016-01-05T13:56:49.722-0800 I STORAGE Compression: snappy
2016-01-05T13:56:49.722-0800 I STORAGE MaxWriteMBPerSec: 1024
2016-01-05T13:56:49.722-0800 I STORAGE Crash safe counters: 0
about to fork child process, waiting until server is ready for connections.
forked process: 16711
ERROR: child process failed, exited with error number 1
Any idea why this is happening? Googling didn’t help, and I’d previously been able to get a 3.x release candidate version to work. The box is using a fully updated copy of CentOS 6.