Hi ,
I tried to install the Percona Audit plugin for MySQL 5.5.38 and it is showing me the below error
mysql> install plugin audit_log soname ‘audit_log.so’;
ERROR 1123 (HY000): Can’t initialize function ‘audit_log’; Plugin initialization function failed.
First I modifed the my.cnf file with the follwoing variables like “audit_log_policy=All, audit_log_rotate_on_size=1G, audit_log_format=CSV,etc.,”. and then tried to install the plugin as above which is throwing the error.
Here are the errors from the MySQL error log file
[ERROR] Plugin ‘audit_log’ registration as a AUDIT failed.
[ERROR] Plugin ‘audit_log’ init function returned error.
Can anyone please guide me how to comeup with a solution for this issue.