Hi - I’m trying to apply the logs to a full back up I just took. However, I’m receiving the following error:
innobackupex: got a fatal error with the following stacktrace: at /usr/bin/innobackupex line 3910
main::check_args() called at /usr/bin/innobackupex line 1531
innobackupex: Error: Too many command line arguments
To take my backup, I ran the following command:
innobackupex -user=root --no-timestamp /backup/prod-db/percona/2015-08-30
After the completed, successfully, I attempted to apply the logs to give myself a stable backup to restore from:
[/I][/B][I][B]innobackupex —apply-log /backup/prod-db/percona/2015-08-30[/B][/I][B][I]
Running this commend resulted in the error message above.
Additional information:
Using server version 5.5.41-0+wheezy1
xtrabackup version 2.2.12 based on MySQL server 5.6.24 Linux (x86_64) (revision id: 8726828)
Any help is appreciated!