innobackupex streaming backup with --databases option created more databases

hi, I successfully stream a backup to another host but use --databases=list option to only limit to 3 databases but it stream 5 to the slave host, can you tell me why or what could have cause that?

sudo innobackupex --defaults-file=/db/mysql/5.6/data/my.cnf --databases=“db1 mysql performance_schema” --user=root --password=xxx --stream=xbstream /home/xtrabackup/ | ssh ipaddr “xbstream -x -C /db/mysql/5.6/data/”

I normally uses --tables-file option as below.

$ mysql --skip-column-names -e “SELECT CONCAT(table_schema,‘.’,table_name) FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema IN (‘mysql’,‘performance_schema’,‘db1’) AND TABLE_NAME = ‘test’;” > /root/tables_to_backup.txt

$ innobackupex --tables-file=/root/tables_to_backup.txt <other-prameters-for-backup-stream>

I will test/check --databases option and will get back to you wit