Innobackupex appears to do nothing


I want to restore an incremental backup but innobackupex appears to do nothing

my backup folder structure is

|-- 2015-09-14-01-30-01/
| |-- backup-2015-09-14-01-30-01.xbstream.gz
| -- xtrabackup_checkpoints |-- 2015-09-15-01-30-01/ | |-- backup-2015-09-15-01-30-01.xbstream.gz | – xtrabackup_checkpoints
|-- 2015-09-16-01-30-01/
| |-- backup-2015-09-16-01-30-01.xbstream.gz
| -- xtrabackup_checkpoints – 2015-09-17-01-30-01/
|-- backup-2015-09-17-01-30-01.xbstream.gz
`-- xtrabackup_checkpoints

I have a script to prepare the backup

it does :
steps :
1 / zcat data/2015-09-14-01-30-01/backup-2015-09-14-01-30-01.xbstream.gz | $xbstream -x -C prepared_backup
2 / innobackupex --apply-log --redo-only --use-memory=10G prepared_backup


At step2 it seems that nothing happens !

Example of what I have

XXXX:XXXXXX # ps aux | grep innobackupex
root 13539 0.0 0.0 79360 20212 pts/2 S+ 11:29 0:00 perl /usr/local/xtrabackup/bin/innobackupex --apply-log --use-memory=10G prepared_backup
root 14365 0.0 0.0 5708 820 pts/1 S+ 13:55 0:00 grep innobackupex
XXXX:XXXXXX # strace -p 13539 -s 1024
Process 13539 attached - interrupt to quit
futex(0x1549650, FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE, 2, NULL

The database to restore is about 210G
xtraback version is 2.2 (from sources)
OS Suse Enterprise 11 SP3

Someone have any idea to help me,


No one have any ideas ?