IF statement: Comparision for NULL

I have a question on If statement while comparision with NULL value.

I have a trigger on a table which fires before insert for each row. In that trigger I am setting the default values for inserted date, inserted by etc. All that I am doing is to check if the passed value is null and if it is null then set it to a default value. However ELSE part of the statement is being executed. Can some body help me to identify what the issue is.

I am inserting a row thru PHPMyAdmin and below is the insert statement generated.

INSERT INTO generic.sequence_generator (
unq_id ,
tbl_nm ,
max_value_plus_one ,
effctv_dttm ,
trmntd_dttm ,
insrtd_by ,
insrtd_dttm ,
last_updtd_by ,
‘’, ‘mmm’, ‘1’, ‘’, NULL , ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’

The part that is not working. This is extracted from the trigger.

if new.effctv_dttm is null
or new.effctv_dttm = ‘’
or length(new.effctv_dttm) = 0
OR length(new.effctv_dttm) = NULL
set new.effctv_dttm = current_timestamp;
set new.effctv_dttm = ‘2000-01-01 00:00:00’;
end if;


Did you tried calling current_timestamp with () at the end? )


correct syntax is ‘IS NULL’.

[B]istvan.podor wrote on Sat, 08 May 2010 11:35[/B]

Did you tried calling current_timestamp with () at the end? )


I agree - this part is incorrect: OR length(new.effctv_dttm) = NULL
