I am trying to restore my backup and facing some issue

You should not need to change any ownership inside the pods. Doing so may have strange results.

Please show get pods

I am explaining my situation once again, I am practising restoration through PerconaXtraDBClusterRestore this (from yaml).
After that I recreated a percona mysql cluster it is deployed from percona operator at this point i am able to login into database from root and monitor user both. then I performed restorartion process in restore job its showing completed ok and then this whole process cluster was down and then after restore cluster comes up once again.But after coming up the root and monitor password is not working I am usinf the same host name and port but its not working. I will attach a screen shot.
somewhere I read in docs that after pxc pod comes up i need to run chown -R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql this command so i asked you how to run the command because its showing Operation not permitted.

these are pods log

Hello @Aditya1523,
You have a misconfiguration between your restored database and the K8S stored secrets for the monitor user.

You need to update these secrets and put the correct password for the monitor user and reapply the secrets. This will allow the operator to see the correct password and therefor be able to log in and perform rediness checks.

After pxc-1 is “ready”, then node2 and node3 will get created and the proxysql config will get generated.

You should also be able to shell directly into the pxccluster-pxc-0 pod and access mysql using your root password.

Please point this out. I demonstrated our Operator at the Texas Linux Festival 2024 and I had to perform no such action.

This is resolved thanks.

The above issue is resolved and i am able to backup and restore from the PerconaXtraDBClusterRestore .
Now I am trying to do PITR and recover it , its showing :2024/05/07 09:44:59 run recover 2024/05/07 09:45:41 ERROR: recover: get host: can't find host

After the recover process I am gettting this:

2024/05/07 12:03:45 run recover
2024/05/07 12:03:48 current gtid set is b01d35fc-0c67-11ef-8aa1-823acc2fd291:1-20
2024/05/07 12:03:48 checking current file  name  binlog_1715083189_8063c7188f7e114cbe5212dd909a45ee  gtid  b01d35fc-0c67-11ef-8aa1-823acc2fd291:19-20
2024/05/07 12:03:49 Checking sub result  binlog gtid  b01d35fc-0c67-11ef-8aa1-823acc2fd291:19-20  sub result  b01d35fc-0c67-11ef-8aa1-823acc2fd291:1-18
2024/05/07 12:03:49 working with binlog_1715083189_8063c7188f7e114cbe5212dd909a45ee, 1 out of 1 remaining

I am observing this in the logs of pitr restore pod (job). and in the status its showing succeeded but in the logs its showing 1 out of 1 remaining.
And I am not able to see the database that was backed up from PITR.
Suggest what can be done?

Hi matthewb are you availble?

Hello @Aditya1523 I’m not available for direct support. These forums are volunteer effort from various Percona employees, and other community members, during our free time. If you need immediate assistance, please contact our support team.

Sure But if you have some free time can you assist me with this. really appreciated.