I am not able to connect to mysql using proxySQL

I have AWS application pods , I have deployed ProxySQL pods in AWS Kubernetes, I am able to connect to MySQL from inside the proxySQL pods like
mysql -uuser -ppassw0rd -h -P 6033
but I am not able to connect from my application pods with host as svc/end point
mysql -uuser -ppassw0rd -h proxysql-cluster -P 6033

its hanging there only no error comes also
some times getting error reading initial communication packet

What I am doing wrong ,
is there any configuration where I can define that proxycluster can accept connection from any IP or IP/range


is there any configuration where I can define that proxycluster can accept connection from any IP or IP/range

Basically, you have to expose the ProxySQL service to outside access.

kubectl expose service proxysql --type=LoadBalancer --name=my-service

Also you can define the same in your deployment[cr.yaml] file with respect to the ProxySQL.

      serviceType: LoadBalancer

Please verify if your service is already exposed for remote accesses.

Are you using Percona K8s operator or some native k8s setup ?

Thank you @anil.joshi I am using AWS k8s, I don’t want to expose the load balancer due to security risk, I want my application pods K8s network only to access proxy sql so that I can connect to MySQL