I have a Percona replica set with requireTLS, which I would like to backup with pbm. At the moment I am struggling to connect to my cluster when providing tls options in the connection string. I am able to connect using the same options when connecting with the mongo shell.
The above works as expected, and I am in a shell as the user specified in the x509 certificate subject name.
Now, when using pbm: PBM_MONGODB_URI=mongodb://localhost:27017/?tls=true&authenticationMechanism=MONGODB-X509&tlsCertificateKeyFile=path/tls.crt&tlsCAFile=path/ca.pem pbm status
The error reported by pbm is Error: connect to mongodb: setup a new backups db: ensure cmd collection: (Unauthorized) command create requires authentication
Are there any guides for mTLS connections with pbm?
I’m also seeing similar issues, pbm-agent works fine with preferTLS but failed when using with my requirement requireTLS. Somehow mongo URI is set to basic auth. the agent container command runs fine. I ran it verbosely, it does set the right URI, however, the export is not updating the environment variable on the container. I’m able to also update the env variable but not the container script. Notice the output below, variable didn’t get updated. Any help is appreciated.
Thanks for responding, maybe this needs a separate post. This seems to be a bug in the agent container script. it’s not setting the environment variable. I ran the script in debug mode above to see what it’s doing.