How to apply any Authentication to In-Memory Engine?

Hello, is there any way to apply any authentication on Percona Server for MongoDB whose using In-Memory Engine?

I’ve tried to deploy docker container version of Percona Server for MongoDB 5.0.10 using In-Memory Engine with SCRAM Authentication (by specifying MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME & MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD environments for creating the necessary root user). But, because after the preparation on file has been completed, Percona will stop and restart the mongod service, losing credentials in the process.

I hope anyone can help me make this work, as In-Memory Engine feature is really powerful in terms of performance. Thank you

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@Yukha_Dharmeswara I see you created this topic in the Operator section, but I assume it is not operator related.
I will move it out.
For the question about authentication, I’m calling in our experts - @Ivan_Groenewold . Any idea?

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