Getting this error "Connection check failed: timeout (context deadline exceeded)" while trying to add mysql using pmm-admin

When we are trying to add mysql using pmm-admin getting this error “Connection check failed: timeout (context deadline exceeded)”.
We tried checking the mysql command used by pmm-admin “SELECT /* agent=‘connectionchecker’ / COUNT() FROM information_schema.tables;” .
This is taking around 6-8 seconds since the number of tables are more in our case.

PMM server is running with docker and Mysql nodes are running individually in cluster.

Hi @Harish_m.r , try to use the flag --disable-tablestats pmm-admin - PMM Administration Tool - Percona Monitoring and Management to disable this data collector at all

Hi @Roma_Novikov we tried as you suggested and we are still getting the same error.

sudo pmm-admin add mysql --username=pmm --password=‘XXXXXXXX’ --host= --port=3366 --query-source=slowlog --disable-tablestats=0
Connection check failed: timeout (context deadline exceeded).

pmm-admin add mysql --query-source=perfschema --username=pmm --password=‘xxxxxxx’ MYSQL_NODE --port=3366 --disable-tablestats
Connection check failed: timeout (context deadline exceeded).

Please note we are running MySQL on different port and we were able to see successful pmm user connection in mysql general log.

@Harish_m.r, thanks! It looks strange then and sounds like a bug. Can you submit a bug to so our engineering team can closely examine your case? Thanks