Finding binlog position from GTID

I need translate a GTID to a binlog position. The GTID of importance in the Executed_Gtid_Set is 3299c76d-69fb-11e8-a7c6-42010af00c1e:1-433046016. I have found the section of the binlog that I believe contains the position I am looking for:

# at 1700234
#180724 14:17:46 server id 4228731923 end_log_pos 1700299 CRC32 0xbfdedb92 GTID last_committed=307 sequence_number=309 rbr_only=no
SET @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT= '3299c76d-69fb-11e8-a7c6-42010af00c1e:433046016'/*!*/;
# at 1700299
#180724 14:17:46 server id 4228731923 end_log_pos 1700395 CRC32 0xe75c0f3c Query thread_id=102228893 exec_time=0 error_code=0
SET TIMESTAMP=1532456266/*!*/;
# at 1700395
#180724 14:17:46 server id 4228731923 end_log_pos 1700474 CRC32 0xf971bc31 Table_map: `REMOVED`.`REMOVED` mapped to number 314
# at 1700474
#180724 14:17:46 server id 4228731923 end_log_pos 1700559 CRC32 0x4c686094 Write_rows: table id 314 flags: STMT_END_F
### SET
### @1=2055074272258
..... REMOVED .....
### @10=NULL
# at 1700559
#180724 14:17:46 server id 4228731923 end_log_pos 1700590 CRC32 0x96c41d88 Xid = 3927153257
# at 1700590
#180724 14:17:46 server id 4228731923 end_log_pos 1700655 CRC32 0x236996ef GTID last_committed=308 sequence_number=310 rbr_only=no
SET @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT= '3299c76d-69fb-11e8-a7c6-42010af00c1e:433046017'/*!*/;

If my understanding of GTID_NEXT is correct, then I believe position I am looking for is either 1700590 or 1700655. What position corresponds with the GTID position of 433046016? If this isn’t the correct part of the binlog, I can provide the section before or after. (I have redacted sensitive parts with REMOVED)