Feedback on PMM QAN

PMM is a great tool. One of few things that are not intuitive are the QAN labels. For example I fixed my range to last one hour. The description for “load” reads:“The load is the amount of time that the database server spent during the selected time or date range running all queries.”

The data for “load” for example shows:Total: 2.28Top three for load: 0.55 load, 0.17, 0.17

What do these numbers mean? 2.28 minutes of the 1 hour, or 2.28% of one hour time?It shows 2.28 load as 100% in the Total line. So not really very intuitive what does this 2.28 number represent (unit). The numbers for individual queries do make sense. As I figured these are % of the total. For example the top most query shows 0.55 load as 24%.
Secondly, even though I added several hosts, the QAN only shows handful even after expanding the list. I do see data on other charts for those but not in QAN. What could I be missing?

Hi @Venkat
I agree the load description is confusing.  The other term used by some for this is Average Active Sessions.      If you have load of 2.28 this means in average you have seen on the hosts  in the list 2.28 queries running concurrently.    It is  not hour or minute but rather unitless number.

The % of the total is  what the given load is compared to the total so if total load is 100 and given query  load is 20  it will be 20% of total.

For your second question I’m not sure what you’re referring to - consider including a picture

Hi Peter,Thank you for the excellent explanation! Please find the screenshots attached.As you can see, there are 15 databases monitored but the QAN shows only 8 of them.Regards.-Venkat

The query Analytics only shows databases if there are queries  running on them.   If other nodes have query traffic it means they are possibly not configured to send query data to PMM correctly

Check out “MySQL  Instances Overview” dashboard - do you have all 15 instances listed out there ?

Hey Peter,
Which nodes should be configured to send query data to PMM in Sharded MongoDB setup, the mongos nodes or the nodes running mongod which constitute a replica set?