exposeType : LoadBalancer queries for percona Mongo k8s operator

Hi Team,

We are trying percona operator for MongoDB with exposeType : LoadBalancer in our development servers using AWS EKS

We have below queries reg the loadbalencers :

  1. LB name

mongo1-cdbr1-0 LoadBalancer a7c9d1c2f2df14ab3959e7f87dc48f3b-755583469.us-east-2.elb.amazonaws.com 27017:32365/TCP 38m
mongo1-cdbr1-1 LoadBalancer a8b8a778816b841f990c8f21a63cefa4-705224816.us-east-2.elb.amazonaws.com 27017:32238/TCP 38m
mongo1-cdbr1-2 LoadBalancer ae1bd4452e7464f989e9ddc304870a97-1759599640.us-east-2.elb.amazonaws.com 27017:31734/TCP 37m

We can see LB names are created with random names → a7c9d1c2f2df14ab3959e7f87dc48f3b-755583469 / a8b8a778816b841f990c8f21a63cefa4-705224816 / ae1bd4452e7464f989e9ddc304870a97-1759599640

Is there any way to setup custom names like “mongo1-cdbr-lb” for the load balencers for exposing outside the cluster ?

Please suggest to configure custom names for the load balencers .

  1. Single ALB instead of multiple loadbalencers tagged to services

Is there any way to configure single load balencer(which servers as dns-srv name) for all the services which are tagged to pods of replicaset.

Eg : mongo1-cdbr-lb (single ALB) which should route the traffic to all the services for replicaset using mongodb+srv from outside the cluster .


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Hello @Adithya .

Is there any way to setup custom names like “mongo1-cdbr-lb” for the load balencers for exposing outside the cluster ?

We rely on regular Kubernetes primitives - so we just create a service object of a specific type. I’m not aware of being able to specify the LB name through k8s right now.

  1. Single ALB instead of multiple loadbalencers tagged to services

Single ALB will not solve the problem. Behind this ALB there should be multiple SVR records pointing to different servers, otherwise it does not make much sense.
In general our recommendation is to enable sharding and expose mongos nodes through a single load balancer. You will have one sharded mongoDB cluster with single entry-point.

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@Sergey_Pronin Thanks for the reply.

Can we know how to setup single load balancer for replicaset/sharded cluster ? Can you provide some sample yaml file

If we add exposeType: LoadBalancer it’s creating multiple load balancers in AWS as mentioned above.


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Hey @Adithya ,

as I mentioned it can be done through enabling sharding.
In a nutshell the key options would look like this:

spec.replsets.[].explose.enabled: false
spec.sharding.enabled: true
spec.sharding.mongos.expose.exposeType: LoadBalancer

This will enable sharding and expose mongos pods through a single load balancer (and as a result the whole MongoDB cluster).

Hope this helps.


Thanks @Sergey_Pronin for the all the details. Appreciate quick response.

So for Replicaset config with cr.yaml with k8s operator we will not be able to setup single LB.

Single load balancer setup works for sharded cluster.

mgdb-mongos LoadBalancer a638c75f9e74d4054840a40023c1c539-863770566.us-east-2.elb.amazonaws.com 27017:32493/TCP 7m29s

From AWS EC2 console : we can see random DNS name is used for CLB. Is there any way to setup DNS Name from the cr.yaml while creating LB from EKS .

Name → a638c75f9e74d4054840a40023c1c539
DNS name → a638c75f9e74d4054840a40023c1c539-863770566.us-east-2.elb.amazonaws.com (A Record)


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For the name, please see this: Annotations - AWS Load Balancer Controller

Looks like AWS load balancer controller supports that through the annotation service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-name

So just add under spec.sharding.mongos.expose.serviceAnnotations smth like service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-name: my-lb-name

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Tried the option like below but no luck. still LB name is random.

    exposeType: LoadBalancer
      service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-name: awslb


    exposeType: LoadBalancer
      service.beta.kubernetes.io/load-balancer-name: awslb

For sharded cluster:
service/mgdb-mongos LoadBalancer a726464f38ba044e0ab8ce1bdf7011e4-1633854664.us-east-2.elb.amazonaws.com 27017:31050/TCP 11m

service/mongo-cdbrs-0 LoadBalancer aec6d9995a39744dcb408481b9dd0005-2042329951.us-east-2.elb.amazonaws.com 27017:30790/TCP 11m
service/mongo-cdbrs-1 LoadBalancer a4127e81a13bc40f0a5a1015a0910921-316818886.us-east-2.elb.amazonaws.com 27017:30516/TCP 11m
service/mongo-cdbrs-2 LoadBalancer aa1f0620357d34ae8b34e6d1be1c6b6c-1226402236.us-east-2.elb.amazonaws.com 27017:32593/TCP 10m


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Can this feature of having single LB (with custom name) for both replicaset and sharded cluster be included in future versions of percona operator ?


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If we talk about one load balancer + multiple replica set nodes - the load balancer must be aware where Primary is and handle the failover.
Or if we talk about SRV records - load balancer does not help as well, as these SRV records would be pointing to internal IP-addresses in k8s networking.

How do you see it working?

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