E [agentCheckup] check storage connection: storage check failed with: get S3 object header: NoCredentialProviders: no valid providers in chain. Deprecated. For verbose messaging see aws.Config.CredentialsChainVerboseErrors

Hello All!

I’ve mentioned this error in my other issue, but the original question on that post was answered, so I marked it resolved and made this post.

I’m using percona operator with percona server ( mongodb ) and trying to save backups to a minio tenant, everything is deployen on my kubernetes cluster.

After I configured the backup provided by the github page of the cr.yaml I’ve discovered that the backup agent gives this error constantly (every 5-7 seconds).

E [agentCheckup] check storage connection: storage check failed with: get S3 object header: NoCredentialProviders: no valid providers in chain. Deprecated. For verbose messaging see aws.Config.CredentialsChainVerboseErrors

I’ve tried to give it other secrets e.g. creating users, or api keys. I tried to give different port or protocol to the endpoint, but anytime the backup is enabled on the server, the error is present.

When I connected to the backup-agent to use the pbm cli tool, the same error was present in the status, and in the logs too.

Here are some of the configurations used in my deployment:

          type: s3
            bucket: test-bucket
            region: test-region
            credentialsSecret: s3-secret
            endpointUrl: # minio tenant endpoint provided on operator console
            insecureSkipTLSVerify: true

I’ve tried endpont with http/https and 443/9443/9000 but nothing worked.

Here is the backup I tried to test with, which gives context deadline exceeded, as the backup itself could not be started in 120 seconds:

apiVersion: psmdb.percona.com/v1
kind: PerconaServerMongoDBBackup
  - delete-backup
  name: backup1
  clusterName: percona-mongo
  storageName: minio

In the referred s3 secret I’ve used the one minio gave me after I created the tenant.

Any help would be appreciated because I’ve looked into the source code of the backup agent , and couldn’t yet found where the error is originating, probably has some issues with the certificates ( possibly ).

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