Documenting my tests in using HTTP with pgbackrest and Minio


Running Percona Operator for PostgreSQL version 2.4.0 on OKD, I configured the backups to write on a Minio instance inside the cluster, but it seems pgbackrest doesn’t support HTTP connections.

Steps to Reproduce:

Here is the configuration for the CR and the configured repos:

        log-level-console: info
        log-level-file: debug
        repo1-path: /pgbackrest/postgres-operator/prod/repo1
        repo1-retention-full: "3"
        repo1-retention-full-type: count
        repo1-s3-uri-style: path
        repo1-storage-port: "9000"
        repo1-storage-verify-tls: "n"
      - name: repo1
          bucket: pgdb-prod-backup
          endpoint: myMinioHostname
          region: us-east-1
          full: 0 0 * * *

Here is the resulting pgbackrest configuration inside the -instance- pod:

bash-4.4$ cat /etc/pgbackrest/conf.d/pgbackrest_instance.conf
# Generated by postgres-operator. DO NOT EDIT.
# Your changes will not be saved.

log-level-console= info
log-level-file = debug
log-path = /pgdata/pgbackrest/log
repo1-path = /pgbackrest/postgres-operator/prod/repo1
repo1-retention-full = 3
repo1-retention-full-type = count
repo1-s3-bucket = mybucket
repo1-s3-endpoint = myMinioHostname
repo1-s3-region = us-east-1
repo1-s3-uri-style = path
repo1-storage-port = 443
repo1-storage-verify-tls = n
repo1-type = s3

pg1-path = /pgdata/pg16
pg1-port = 5432
pg1-socket-path = /tmp/postgres


Percona Operator for PostgreSQL version 2.4.0


Running a pgbackrest info inside the -instance- pod fails with TLS error:

bash-4.4$ pgbackrest info

stanza: [invalid]
    status: error (other)
      [ServiceError] TLS error [1:336130315] wrong version number
                [ServiceError] on 2 retries from 120105-180207ms: TLS error [1:336130315] wrong version number
    cipher: none

Expected Result:

The flag “repo1-storage-verify-tls” should either accept self-signed certificates or use an HTTP connection.
Here is a correct pgbackrest info output:

bash-4.4$ pgbackrest info
stanza: db
    status: ok
    cipher: none

    db (current)
        wal archive min/max (16): 000000030000000000000005/000000030000000000000007

        full backup: 20241209-104928F
            timestamp start/stop: 2024-12-09 10:49:28+00 / 2024-12-09 10:49:35+00
            wal start/stop: 000000030000000000000006 / 000000030000000000000006
            database size: 30.7MB, database backup size: 30.7MB
            repo1: backup set size: 4.1MB, backup size: 4.1MB

Actual Result:

See above for the TLS error

Additional Information:

The original operator from Crunchydata supported this configuration and it seems it worked for some people S3 backups without TLS · Issue #3155 · CrunchyData/postgres-operator · GitHub, but thus far I couldn’t reproduce it, most likely they meant self-signed certificates and not HTTP connections.

I also found these issues, but I couldn’t find many details:

In the source code for pgbackrest, inside storage.c at line 1249 pgbackrest/src/storage/s3/storage.c at main · pgbackrest/pgbackrest · GitHub there doesn’t seem to be any options for not using TLS/using a normal TCP connection.

The documentation at https:// pgBackRest - Configuration Reference says:

This option provides the ability to enable/disable verification of the storage server TLS certificate

This configuration isn’t a problem per-se, it is actually correct to use TLS by default.

So far, my solution has been to use an OKD/OpenShift route with tls termination on Minio:

kind: Route
  name: api
  namespace: minio
    component: minio
  annotations: 'true'
  host: api-minio.myhostname
    kind: Service
    name: minio-api
    weight: 100
    targetPort: 9000
    termination: edge
  wildcardPolicy: None

Then, I used port 443 to connect:

        repo1-storage-port: "443"

If you are using vanilla Kubernetes or other solutions, see https:// Network Encryption (TLS) — MinIO Object Storage for Linux on how to create self-signed certificates for your Minio.

I hope this helps someone else working on this configuration, it took me some troubleshooting to understand this was not the correct way to do things.

See also Issues with configuring backup against S3 storage for more information