Compound primary auto_inc primary key rewriting for Innodb


I have a MyISAM table I’d like to move to innodb (v 5.0.62).
Unfortunately this table has the following structure (this is from an old version of FUDforum):

CREATE TABLE forum_thread_view ( forum_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default ‘0’, page int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default ‘0’, thread_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default ‘0’, pos int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, tmp int(10) unsigned default NULL, UNIQUE KEY forum_id (forum_id,page,pos), KEY forum_id_2 (forum_id,thread_id)) ENGINE=MyISAM

The idea is that pos is incremented on each insert of the same forum_id and page, as shown in the following query:

INSERT INTO forum_thread_view (thread_id,forum_id,page,tmp) SELECT, forum_thread.forum_id, 4294967294, forum_thread.last_post_date AS sort_order_fldFROM forum_thread INNER JOIN forum_msg ON WHERE forum_id=$forum_id ORDER BY sort_order_fld DESC, forum_thread.last_post_id DESC

After that, page is computed from the auto_inc pos field.

This is impossible to have such an auto_inc compound key on an innodb table.

I failed to find an optimized way to do the same thing (except with a temporary table) with an innodb table (and without the auto_inc, then).

Can someone help me rewrite this table?
Many thanks,


CREATE TABLE `forum_thread_view` ( `forum_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `page` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `thread_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `pos` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `tmp` int(10) unsigned default NULL, UNIQUE KEY `forum_id` (`forum_id`,`page`,`pos`), KEY `forum_id_2` (`forum_id`,`thread_id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM
How did you create a MyISAM table with an auto_increment column, which is not the PrimaryKey?
This is impossible to have such an auto_inc compound key on an innodb table.
Should this be a working example of what you currently do? If i am not mistaken, this is impossible on MyISAM as well,..