Hi guys!!
Reaching you for a present concern, we are currently moving our databases from Mariadb to Percona Server for MySQL 8 but in dockerized environments. For this, we are mostly using docker images from percona hub Docker Hub , but we’ve just checked that all these images are based on Centos:8 ; but as you might already know, Centos 8 is near to EOL at the end of 2021. EOL CentOS | End of Life (EOL) | Lifecycle
We’re worried on how this might impact on future percona release’s docker images, do you have in mind how would you adapt images in the near future to overcome this centos’ EOL.
Thanks you any advice on this matter.
Best regards!
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Hi Matias, thanks for getting in touch about this. We’re aware of this upcoming change and will make sure to replace the base OS in the container image in due time. From an pure user/consumer point of view, this change should not have any impact on the overall functionality or behaviour of the Percona Server database instance inside the image. Is there anything in particular that you are concerned about?
Hi LenzGr, thanks a lot for your fast replay on this matter; do you think that it will be quite straight forward to update running databases on current image to future versions releases regardless this OS update?
This is the main concern from an user point of view.
Thanks you very much for your help.
Best regards.
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That is the expectation, yes - provided you’re using a separate volume for storing your data. The whole point of containers is that they should be seen as a “service”, therefore the internals like base OS should not really matter.
Thanks a lot for your help Lenz!.
Best regards.
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Hi, today CENTOS 8 gone EOL, and now we cannot use official Percona docker image, I have checked another dockerfile (Dockerfile.ubi8) but uses a library from centos 8 (curl -Lf -o /tmp/numactl-libs.rpm http://mirror.centos.org/centos/8/BaseOS/x86_64/os/Packages/numactl-libs-2.0.12-13.el8.x86_64.rpm;)
So I cannot build an Percona image from docker hub. Is there an roadmap to update this dockerfile?
Thanks in advance.
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