Hi there:
I have 4 servers with ubuntu server 12.04 and I have instaled Percona XtraDB Cluster server from the binaries repositories using apt-get method. It appears that everything is installed correctly, because it runs the mysql server standalone from each node.
The first node (the one with wsrep_cluster_address=gcomm:// line) starts without any problem. And I can run mysql -e " SHOW STATUS like ‘%wsrep%’;" -u root -p and get the spected output saying that there is a cluster initialized with wsrep_cluster_size=1.
But when I start the second (or any subsequent node) the service mysql start finish with [fail] message. I check the .err log file and see that it stops at following lines:
120505 10:43:03 [Note] WSREP: Shifting OPEN → PRIMARY (TO: 89)120505 10:43:03 [Note] WSREP: State transfer required: Group state: dbf7d14a-959c-11e1-0800-7f1665e7e657:89 Local state: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:-1120505 10:43:03 [Note] WSREP: New cluster view: global state: dbf7d14a-959c-11e1-0800-7f1665e7e657:89, view# 2: Primary, number of nodes: 2, my index: 1, protocol version 1120505 10:43:03 [Warning] WSREP: Gap in state sequence. Need state transfer.120505 10:43:05 [Note] WSREP: Running: ‘wsrep_sst_rsync ‘joiner’ ‘’ ‘root:somepassword’ ‘/var/lib/mysql/’ ‘/etc/mysql/my.cnf’ ‘5579’ 2>sst.err’
The sst.err file is empty. And the mysql process never starts. And I can’t stop it eather. I have to kill -9 al the process containing the mysql word.
The my.cnf file for the first node is:
[client]port=3306socket=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock[mysqld_safe]socket=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.socknice=0[mysqld] port=3306socket=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sockdatadir=/var/lib/mysqltmpdir=/tmp#language=/usr/share/mysql/spanishuser=mysql binlog_format=ROW wsrep_provider=/usr/lib/libgalera_smm.sowsrep_provider_options = “gmcast.listen_addr=tcp://bdpl001.arrod.net; sst.recv_addr=bdpl001.arrod.net” wsrep_cluster_address=gcomm://wsrep_slave_threads=8 wsrep_cluster_name=ArrodCluster01wsrep_sst_method=rsync wsrep_node_name=BDPL001wsrep_sst_auth=root:somepasswordinnodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog=1 innodb_autoinc_lock_mode=2default_storage_engine=InnoDB
And the my.cnf file for the other nodes is (change 002 depending on the node)
[client]port=3306socket=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock[mysqld_safe]socket=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.socknice=0[mysqld] port=3306socket=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sockdatadir=/var/lib/mysqltmpdir=/tmp#language=/usr/share/mysql/spanishuser=mysql binlog_format=ROW wsrep_provider=/usr/lib/libgalera_smm.sowsrep_provider_options = “gmcast.listen_addr=tcp://bdpl002.arrod.net; sst.recv_addr=bdpl002.arrod.net” wsrep_cluster_address=gcomm://bdpl001.arrod.netwsrep_slave_threads=8 wsrep_cluster_name=ArrodCluster01wsrep_sst_method=rsync wsrep_node_name=BDPL002wsrep_sst_auth=root:somepasswordinnodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog=1 innodb_autoinc_lock_mode=2default_storage_engine=InnoDB
I followed the instructions from the Percona XtraDB Cluster Operation Manual and this other tutorial with no luck.
Can you help me with this setup, I need it urgently. If you need further information I’m glad to give it to you.
Thanks in advance.