Cannot connect to the QAN API

I am running pmm version 1.0.5. When I use the QAN I can get queries for all time frames but when I select ‘5d’ I am getting this response:

Cannot connect to the QAN API.

This is true for any of my servers. It feels like it is timing out or something similar.
Anyone have any suggestions as to what I can check or change to make this not fail?

Looks like it is too much data to select for 5 days duration.
You can try to use calendar pickers to select the past date range with the lower duration in days.

Is this just a built in limitation?

What is the data limit?

Can I do anything to change this limit?

I think we don’t have any particular limitations. This is most likely the amount of data returned/calculated times out.

Most likely it depends from the workload and how many query digests collected.
We are constantly improving Query Analytics and going to do some major changes to it soon.