Hey Sergey, I think this was “user error” it appears we weren’t going through the version service when fetching -latest and so were pulling in a version of MonogDB that wasn’t supported by our version of the operator. I think we’ve sorted this on our end. Thanks.
I am hitting this, weirdly only on a local minikube installation but not in EKS. Both use the exact same chart (1.14.3) as well as mongo itself (percona/percona-server-mongodb:4.2) and operator (percona/percona-server-mongodb-operator:1.14.0).
There are 2 substantial differences:
EKS is airgapped and minikube isn’t
Minikube allows unsafe configs to enable 1 replica per rs. EKS doesn’t and has 3
The manifests on both environments are otherwise identical.
There has been a recent (Jan 12th) commit that seems related:
Although the versions of everything we use are far older than that. Trying to determine if the ps-entry scripts are different on EKS and on minikube somehow.