Sure thing, here ya go:
[root@1fd26d7c5d00 opt]# amtool --version
amtool, version 0.21.0 (branch: non-git, revision: non-git)
build user: builder@b33c58619690
build date: 20210517-08:24:43
go version: go1.15.7
[root@1fd26d7c5d00 opt]# amtool check-config /etc/alertmanager.yml
Checking '/etc/alertmanager.yml' SUCCESS
- global config
- route
- 0 inhibit rules
- 1 receivers
- 0 templates
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Thanks for your help with this issue. Anything else I should check on?
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Hello, @dbray_sd. Could you please check your PMM Settings → Communication → Email settings? It looks like you didn’t provide an SMTP port for the Server Address field.
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Sorry, I ended up completely starting over with the install to clear out a few other issues I was having. The reinstall, obviously, has fixed the issue. I’m no longer seeing those errors scroll over and over again.