I would like to have your opinion on the feasibility of running a 3-node, sharded MongoDB cluster on Kubernetes.
The use case is to able run a MongoDB database which has larger storage requirements than a single server (that I have) can meet.
This is for a hobby project so the budget is limited. Thus the 3 node constraint.
I was thinking of the following setup:
- 3 replicasets, each composed of 2 mongod and 1 arbiter
- sharding activated, with 3 config server pods
- 1 mongos on each node
In practice, a deployment would look like something as (Primary / Secondary):
- node A would run: rs0-0 (P), rs1-arbiter-0, rs2-1 (S), cfg-0, mongos
- node B would run: rs0-1, rs1-0 (P), rs2-1 (S), r2-arbiter-0, cfg-1, mongos
- node C would run: rs0-arbiter-0, rs1-1 (S), rs2-0 (P), cfg-2, mongos
Each node would thus host:
- a primary of a first replicaset;
- a secondary of a second replicaset;
- and the arbiter of a third replicaset.
Let’s say that each node has 1TB disk capacity and documents are perfectly distributed across the shards.
That would mean that each shard could be as big as 0.5 TB, and the total available space for the MongoDB cluster would be 0.5 x 3 = 1.5 TB.
With the added benefit of the redundancy, where one of the 3 node may go down without losing all the data.
Am I correct?
I’ve already experimented with the operator and I’ve managed to get something running (with “allowUnsafeConfigurations=true”).
Although I haven’t succeeded in making Kubernetes schedule the pods exactly as I wanted.
With podAntiAffinity rules, I could ensure that no node host more than 1 pod of each replicaset.
But I couldn’t figure out how to enforce a “perfect” spread, i.e. excluding the possibly of having rs0-X, rs1-X and rs2-X running on a single node.
What do think of this architecture? Will it work? Is it sensible?
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Hello @Damiano_Albani ,
sorry for not coming back to you earlier. Here are my thoughts:
Using one arbiter and two nodes is unsafe. You cannot get write guarantee since MongoDB v 4.0 with such a setup. We treat 4 nodes + 1 arbiter as safe setup. That is why you need to set unsafe flag to true.
Getting such a spread is kinda tricky.
2.1 there is still a chance that your pods will be reshuffled in a case of node failure. (I hope you will set preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution flag).
2.2 To achieve this distribution you will need to manually set affinity and labels on the nodes and Pods. This is tricky and not recommended. In Operators we set affinity rules per deployment or statefulSet and this provides safe distribution.
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Hi @Sergey_Pronin, thanks for your feedback.
- My original idea to use 2 nodes and 1 arbiter came from https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/core/replica-set-architecture-three-members/ and https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/core/replica-set-arbiter/.
Although this setup is by no means production grade, I’m curious what is the basis of your statement that “you cannot get write guarantee since MongoDB v 4.0 with such a setup”.
- Such a spread is indeed tricky, and in the end I did what you suggested, i.e. added a label on the nodes.
In case someone on the interweb shall ever find it interesting, I paste here a snippet of my Helmfile based setup:
- name: mongodb-sharded
chart: percona-1/psmdb-db
version: 1.10.0
- allowUnsafeConfigurations: true
{{ range $_, $rs := (list "rs0" "rs1" "rs2") }}
- name: {{ $rs }}
size: 2
enabled: true
size: 1
{{ end }}
enabled: true
size: 3
- target:
group: psmdb.percona.com
version: v1-10-0
kind: PerconaServerMongoDB
name: mongodb-sharded-psmdb-db
{{ range $i, $rs := (list "rs0" "rs1" "rs2") }}
- op: add
path: /spec/replsets/{{ $i }}/nodeSelector
mongodb.project.xyz/{{ $rs }}: mongod
- op: add
path: /spec/replsets/{{ $i }}/arbiter/nodeSelector
mongodb.project.xyz/{{ $rs }}: arbiter
Where I set such labels on 3 Kubernetes nodes:
mongodb.project.xyz/rs0: mongod
mongodb.project.xyz/rs1: mongod
mongodb.project.xyz/rs2: arbiter
mongodb.project.xyz/rs0: mongod
mongodb.project.xyz/rs1: arbiter
mongodb.project.xyz/rs2: mongod
mongodb.project.xyz/rs0: arbiter
mongodb.project.xyz/rs1: mongod
mongodb.project.xyz/rs2: mongod
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In such cases, is it possible to take backup using backup-agent sidecar?
@Vivek_Shinde wow, 2 years later.
It is possible