Pt-online-schema-change --execute Hangs forever


Adding --recursion-method=NONE to the command made the trick. And I think is 99% due to my local setup (which is wsl in Windows, with lot of other fun stuff…)
So the full command that works for me is

pt-online-schema-change --host localhost --user root --ask-pass --alter "ADD ALTER entries__expire (expire)" D=mydatabase,t=entries --execute --print --recursion-method=NONE

I won’t close yet the answer because maybe you want to reply already but is solved and tool works fantasticly, I can add this index and drop it (rollback) seamingly

Long Explanation

Hi @Ivan_Groenewold , first of all thank you for your answer. I was asking if i was doing something obviously wrong. I was already checking with show processlist.
Checking it better though I found out few interesting thing when I went down the rabbit hole.

  1. Running pt-online-schema-change command which hangs
  2. In a separate terminal watch -n1 "mysql -uroot -padmin -e 'SHOW PROCESSLIST;'"

I couldn’t see much but sometimes I could, for just few seconds SELECT @@SERVER_ID
I Goolge it with the tool name and I came across this other answer Pt-online-schema-change not working as expected - #6 by matthewb
Where @matthewb talks about adding PTDEBUG=1 to the command,

PTDEBUG=1 pt-online-schema-change --host localhost --user root --ask-pass --alter "ADD ALTER entries__expire (expire)" D=mydatabase,t=entries --execute --print -

Then I could see that, It stopped at # MasterSlave:4350 12721 SELECT @@SERVER_ID
(cropped) output

# Cxn:3988 12721 DBI::db=HASH(0x556404217a70) Setting dbh
# Cxn:3993 12721 DBI::db=HASH(0x556404217a70) SELECT @@server_id /*!50038 , @@hostname*/, CONNECTION_ID() as connection_id
# Cxn:3995 12721 DBI::db=HASH(0x556404217a70) hostname: localhost 0
# Cxn:3981 12721 DBI::db=HASH(0x556404217a70) Connected dbh to localhost h=localhost
# Percona::XtraDB::Cluster:8279 12721 localhost SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'wsrep_on'
# Percona::XtraDB::Cluster:8281 12721 $VAR1 = undef;
# VersionParser:2033 12721 VersionParser got a dbh, trying to get the version
# VersionParser:2081 12721 InnoDB support: DEFAULT
# VersionParser:2093 12721 InnoDB version: 5.7.42
# pt_online_schema_change:8841 12721 innodb_stats_persistent is ON, enabling --analyze-before-swap
# MasterSlave:4304 12721 Recursion methods: processlist hosts
# MasterSlave:4350 12721 SELECT @@SERVER_ID

So I Google (something again, not sure how I found it) and I found this answer here where it should use --recursion-method=NONE

Nothing I add all of this infomation since it could be useful to someone in the future :wink: