Nginx logs filling up volume

Yep! It should be fine now. We rotate nginx logs after 50M.

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Apologies, but something still doesnā€™t seem right. Logs havenā€™t rotated yet, even after restarting docker/containerd. I also checked the above pmm-admin --version command, and I still see:

ProjectName: pmm-admin
Version: 2.14.0
PMMVersion: 2.14.0
Timestamp: 2021-01-28 12:36:42 (UTC)
FullCommit: cdf593c6774c3c239aaf22fff27e9e7aa1364a60

I was expecting that to now read 2.20.0, same as I see in the web app. Right?

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Yes, it should be 2.20ā€¦ To be honest it looks very suspicious because we run updates on each pmm-update runā€¦
Could you pls attache pmm-update-perform.log again?

docker cp pmm-server:/srv/logs/pmm-update-perform.log .
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Attached is the updated log:

pmm-update-perform.log (18.9 KB)


OK, I tried to reproduce this issue and couldnā€™t :frowning:

My suggestion:

  1. Letā€™s make backup again:
    Percona Monitoring and Management
  2. Upgrade system by hand:
yum upgrade
  1. and run upgrade PMM:
/usr/sbin/pmm-update -perform -playbook=/usr/share/pmm-update/ansible/playbook/tasks/update.yml

OK, clearly Iā€™m doing something wrongā€¦and my apologies for not knowing exactly what it is. Iā€™m not the best when it comes to Docker. Here is what I did:

$ sudo docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE          COMMAND                CREATED        STATUS                   PORTS                                                                            NAMES
12fd55c0de21   7599815450fd   "/opt/"   6 months ago   Up 4 minutes (healthy)>80/tcp, :::8080->80/tcp,>443/tcp, :::8443->443/tcp   pmm-server

sudo docker run -it 7599815450fd /bin/bash
[root@9baa6e6a11e3 opt]#
[root@9baa6e6a11e3 opt]# rpm -qa | grep pmm

[root@9baa6e6a11e3 opt]# yum -y upgrade

[root@9baa6e6a11e3 opt]# rpm -qa | grep pmm

[root@9baa6e6a11e3 opt]# exit

$ sudo docker run -it 7599815450fd /bin/bash
[root@c0b7d8549a80 opt]# rpm -qa | grep pmm

What am I doing wrong?

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It feels like the ā€œrollbackā€ to v2.14.0 is due to a file system caveat, itā€™s just not very clear where it is coming fromā€¦

Quite intriguing, letā€™s see if we can get more info to help investigate:
1/ Have you mounted any volumes to your docker container? It would help to see how you launched the PMM Server docker container.
2/ Which file system is your docker using (docker info)?
3/ Let us know about any particular configuration settings you may have applied to PMM Server


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Hey Alex,

I originally followed the simple steps documented here: Installing Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) Software - Percona
This was all done on a CentOS 8 server.

sudo dnf -y install docker-ce docker-ce-cli
sudo systemctl enable --now docker containerd
sudo docker create -v /srv --name pmm-data percona/pmm-server:2 /bin/true
sudo docker run -d -p 80:80 -p 443:443 --volumes-from pmm-data --name pmm-server --restart always percona/pmm-server:2

Nightly, I backup everything (to a NFS share) with:
sudo docker cp pmm-data:/srv /backups/latest/

Other than that, Iā€™ve made the necessary tweaks within the web app itself, but havenā€™t done anything else I can think of specifically to the OS nor docker itself.

Hereā€™s the details to your questions:

1/ Have you mounted any volumes to your docker container? It would help to see how you launched the PMM Server docker container.

No, not that I can recall. I checked bash_history and everything, and I see no references to mount or anything similar.

2/ Which file system is your docker using (docker info)?

Using the default xfs filesystem CentOS 8 installs by default, and located in the default /var/lib/docker directory.

3/ Let us know about any particular configuration settings you may have applied to PMM Server

Nothing comes to mind. All the customization Iā€™ve done has all been within the web app itself.

Thanks you, I appreciate your help with this. I have no problem removing everything and starting over. I would just need to know exactly which files to restore, so that my customizations within the web app come back.

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Thanks a lot for providing such extensive information. Your provisioning commands do look good and the ā€œrollbackā€ failure has most certainly nothing to do with how you bootstrap PMM Server.

Now the only thing we can try is to tear down the container and try to spin it back up again. Your data is safe since itā€™s persisted to the pmm-data container. In your case the commands would be:

To tear down:

sudo docker stop pmm-server && sudo docker rm pmm-server

To spin up (same as before):

sudo docker run -d -p 80:80 -p 443:443 --volumes-from pmm-data --name pmm-server --restart always percona/pmm-server:2

It may well be that docker engine is misbehaving and that could potentially help put it back on track. You may want to reboot the machine before spinning up PMM again.

Canā€™t wait to hear what it does :slight_smile: )


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Sorry for the delays, it was a holiday for us yesterday.

Careful what you ask for :slight_smile: This is what it did.

All the commands worked without error. Only slight change I had to make was the ports, so that iptables would NAT properly:
sudo docker run --detach -p 8080:80 -p 8443:443 --volumes-from pmm-data --name pmm-server --restart always percona/pmm-server:2
I have to use 8080 and 8443, but no issue there.

When I brought the web app up, it did initially say: Current version: 2.15.0 February 28, 2020
So I went ahead and performed the in place upgrade, using the button within the GUI to upgrade, and Iā€™m attaching the latest pmm-update-perform.log (23.5 KB)

However, the issue is not resolved, and now I have a little more confusion. It appears I now have two separate instances available and/or running:

$ sudo docker container ls -a
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                  COMMAND                CREATED          STATUS                       PORTS                                                                            NAMES
5c3fcb9fc3f4   percona/pmm-server:2   "/bin/bash"            8 minutes ago    Exited (130) 3 minutes ago                                                                                    charming_neumann
140fa15cdc82   7599815450fd           "/bin/bash"            11 minutes ago   Exited (0) 10 minutes ago                                                                                     quirky_noyce
1fd26d7c5d00   percona/pmm-server:2   "/opt/"   16 minutes ago   Up 16 minutes (healthy)>80/tcp, :::8080->80/tcp,>443/tcp, :::8443->443/tcp   pmm-server
c0b7d8549a80   7599815450fd           "/bin/bash"            4 days ago       Exited (0) 4 days ago                                                                                         cool_liskov
9baa6e6a11e3   7599815450fd           "/bin/bash"            4 days ago       Exited (130) 4 days ago                                                                                       great_curie
f6a56e4bd24f   7599815450fd           "/bin/bash"            4 days ago       Exited (0) 4 days ago                                                                                         infallible_brahmagupta
4b1c5a1f35cd   7599815450fd           "/opt/"   4 days ago       Exited (0) 4 days ago                                                                                         wonderful_austin
90de0a423713   7599815450fd           "/bin/bash"            4 days ago       Exited (0) 4 days ago                                                                                         beautiful_goodall
29d085c1c8fa   7599815450fd           "/bin/bash"            4 days ago       Exited (130) 4 days ago                                                                                       inspiring_germain
29cbf33a7b18   7599815450fd           "/bin/bash"            11 days ago      Exited (0) 11 days ago                                                                                        ecstatic_tesla
f7bb17da2f4f   7599815450fd           "/bin/bash"            11 days ago      Exited (130) 11 days ago                                                                                      silly_swartz
fa8e60a0a1d6   7599815450fd           "/bin/bash"            12 days ago      Exited (0) 11 days ago                                                                                        keen_ride
0d58ba4410e7   7599815450fd           "/bin/bash"            13 days ago      Exited (42) 13 days ago                                                                                       nice_booth
a7d924df186e   7599815450fd           "/bin/bash"            13 days ago      Exited (130) 13 days ago                                                                                      pensive_engelbart
18fe481014f1   7599815450fd           "/bin/bash"            2 weeks ago      Exited (1) 2 weeks ago                                                                                        bold_noyce
02285cadb6a5   7599815450fd           "/bin/bash"            2 weeks ago      Exited (0) 2 weeks ago                                                                                        boring_heyrovsky
8b97d47777f1   7599815450fd           "/bin/bash"            2 weeks ago      Exited (130) 2 weeks ago                                                                                      mystifying_chandrasekhar
4a082189086f   7599815450fd           "/bin/bash"            2 weeks ago      Exited (0) 2 weeks ago                                                                                        affectionate_hermann
f2c7ffed801b   7599815450fd           "/bin/bash"            2 weeks ago      Exited (0) 2 weeks ago                                                                                        busy_goldwasser
7c0838f7b2f2   7599815450fd           "/bin/true"            6 months ago     Created                                                                                                       pmm-data

So now if I check the old command I used to run, I see:

$ sudo docker run -it 7599815450fd /bin/bash
[root@c7d9295f9a9e opt]# rpm -qa | grep pmm

However, if I check the new container that is now showing up, I see:

$ sudo docker run -it percona/pmm-server:2 /bin/bash
[root@ce2446d9cd98 opt]# rpm -qa | grep pmm

However, the GUI does show: Current version: 2.21.0 (August 25, 2021)
All very confusing.

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Ok, now Iā€™m starting to understand what this all means. Letā€™s break things down one by one.

1. What PMM Server version you are running
Judging by the log results you attached, it looks like you successfully migrated your PMM Server to the latest version which is 2.21.0 as of now. This is also confirmed by the UI since it show the current version number on the Upgrade panel.

2. How to check the rpm package versions inside the container
When you run this following command sudo docker run -it percona/pmm-server:2 /bin/bash to check for installed rpm package versions, it creates yet another PMM Server, a brand new one, off of the image version 2.15.0. When you get inside the docker conatiner, you shouldnā€™t be surprised to see old packages (2.15.0 in your case) since this is effectively the version of one of your docker images. This is expected, since those rpm packages come bundled with the docker image and their versions always match the image version.

Now, to see which package versions are installed to your running PMM Server (its id is 1fd26d7c5d00 ), you could run the following command rather:

% sudo docker exec -t pmm-server sh -c "rpm -qa | grep pmm"

And Iā€™m pretty confident your rpm versions should be 2.21.0 this time, otherwise we can call it magic :slight_smile:

3. Cleanup
Since those containers which are no longer running occupy much space (ca. 2 GB each) on your machine you may want to consider removing them with:

sudo docker rm charming_neumann cool_liskov (... and more)

Hope this helps, otherwise please let us know.


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I really appreciate your time and effort explaining all of this. It makes so much more sense now, and yesā€¦finallyā€¦I see:

$ sudo docker container ls -a
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                  COMMAND                CREATED        STATUS                   PORTS                                                                            NAMES
1fd26d7c5d00   percona/pmm-server:2   "/opt/"   24 hours ago   Up 3 minutes (healthy)>80/tcp, :::8080->80/tcp,>443/tcp, :::8443->443/tcp   pmm-server
7c0838f7b2f2   7599815450fd           "/bin/true"            6 months ago   Created                                                                                                   pmm-data

$ sudo docker exec -t pmm-server sh -c "rpm -qa | grep pmm"

So now, with alllllllll of that out of the way, I am still seeing a rather large log file:

$ sudo ls -lah /var/lib/docker/volumes/37d310a60891d69b99d7f8ab76daa059c7211fdbd5e29374836d833a451178e2/_data/logs/ | grep nginx
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 1.4G Sep  7 11:29 nginx.access.log
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 537K Sep  7 11:29 nginx.error.log
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  27M Sep  8 11:15 nginx.log
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  51M Sep  7 21:43 nginx.log.1
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  51M Sep  6 20:24 nginx.log.2
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 127K Sep  7 11:31 nginx.startup.log

Should I assume the nginx.access.log shouldā€™ve already rotated. Or will that rotate tonight/tomorrow?

Again, thank you so much, I really appreciate the help!


Wow, so excited to see we were able to help sort it out!

To your question. After we refactored the log rotation, there should only be one log file per process, for example nginxā€™s logs are now being saved to /srv/logs/nginx.log only. Therefore, the server will no longer touch the other log files, namely nginx.access.log, nginx.error.log and nginx.startup.log, which is why they wonā€™t be rotated. Youā€™ll have to decide what to do with those: keep them around for some time or just remove them.

One minor suggestion: it seems like to list a directory inside the container itā€™s much more straightforward and reliable to run this:

sudo docker exec -t pmm-server ls -lah /srv/logs

Again, should you want to delete the files, you can do so by getting inside of pmm-server container first with:

sudo docker exec -it pmm-server bash

and then cd /srv/logs && rm nginx.*.log.

Alternatively, moving them out would entail copying to the host first (docker cp pmm-server:/srv/logs/nginx.access.log .) and then deleting.


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Makes perfect sense. Iā€™d say from here Iā€™ll be good to go. I really appreciate all your help Alex, youā€™re the best!