"MySQL Query Responce Time" show "No datapoints"


“Performance Schema File IO (Events)”, “Performance Schema File IO (Load)”, “Performance Schema File IO (Bytes)” graphs use data from collector.
“Performance Schema Waits (Events)” and “Performance Schema Waits (Load)” use
“Index Access Operations (Load)” use
“Table Access Operations (Load)” use

we disabled
so it is expected that “Performance Schema File” and “Performance Schema Waits” graphs are empty for bad server.
but “Index Access Operations” and “Table Access Operations” should work fine if

sorry for long response

Looks like all problems solved by starting docker pmm-server like this:

docker run -d
-p 80:80
–volumes-from pmm-data
–name pmm-server
–restart always
–env TZ=“Europe/Kiev”

And client setup like this:

pmm-admin uninstall
pmm-admin repair
pmm-admin config --server pmm-server --client-name mysql.db
pmm-admin add linux:metrics
pmm-admin add mysql:queries --query-source slowlog
pmm-admin add mysql:metrics --disable-tablestats-limit 3000

After that i have all graphics, including performance_schema, exception is table statistics for DBs with table count > 3000. I don’t have to edit

it is not recommended way, because in this case, you lose details, with 5s resolution it is harder to debug database performance

Ok, i do not think about. Thanks