So euh… any plan to fix this issue?
Interesting, that adding annotation manually to the service does not cause it to be recreated by the Operator. So it should be something else.
You mean if you manually add
to the service, it won’t be recreated by the operator? Now that’s strange. Maybe if cattle detects that that field exists, it won’t add/modify it? If so, it can be a workaround.
It’s impossible to add it manually to the cr, the NodePort isn’t assigned until the service is created, so how would you specify the port?
Ok, I take it back.
I have a service:
my-cluster-name-mongos NodePort <none> 27017:32588/TCP 5m
I add a random annotation to this service through kubectl edit service my-cluster-name-mongos
After few seconds the service changes the port and my annotation is not there anymore:
my-cluster-name-mongos NodePort <none> 27017:32378/TCP 5m28s
There is nothing in the Operator logs.
Hi all,
I’ve reproduced and tracked down the issue to this line: percona-server-mongodb-operator/psmdb_controller.go at main · percona/percona-server-mongodb-operator · GitHub
Since it’s a deliberate check, I need to talk with the author to decide on a proper fix.
Exactly, that’s the line. For now I’m just removing the added annotation from the list, as a quick work around.
any updates on a fix for this?
We decided to ignore annotations changes on services and do not run an object update.
It will be delivered in [K8SPSMDB-558] Ignore annotations for object updates - Percona JIRA .
Code not merged yet.