Hello @Beci_Roboz ,
you run minikube 1.27, which is based on k8s v1.25.
In 1.25 PodDisruptionBudget beta API was removed (deprecated in 1.21).
PXC Operator 1.11 was released before k8s 1.25 and we have not changed the API for PDBs. As a result you see this error in the logs:
{"level":"error","ts":1664507151.3384674,"logger":"controller.perconaxtradbcluster-controller","msg":"Reconciler error","name":"minimal-cluster","namespace":"default","error":"PodDisruptionBudget for minimal-cluster-pxc: reconcile pdb: get object: no matches for kind \"P
odDisruptionBudget\" in version \"policy/v1beta1\"","errorVerbose":"no matches for kind \"PodDisruptionBudget\" in version \"policy/v1beta1
We state which versions of k8s were tested with the Operator in release notes.
As a workaround please use k8s < 1.25 for now.
We will release the new version of the Operator this quarter (Q4’2023). This ticket covers the PDBs: [K8SPXC-983] Update PodDisruptionBudget to policy/v1 - Percona JIRA
Please let me know if it helps.