Cannot restore from incremental backup.PBM and PSMDB in the same pod

Hi @Dmytro_Zghoba

Thanks for your answer. I finally realized why mongod is required in PBM Agent container, and the below one was the issue indeed. I used your response from the past as an example

PBM Agent container has the same mongod binary as the PSMDB container. And its $PATH contains the mongod (i.e., pbm-agent can exec mongod process)

I’m just curious about one thing.

mongod is the processes that keeps container alive, but container needs to stop it in order to take a backup. Additionally after stopping the mongod, PBM Agent container is going to be shut down within 5 minutes. I’ve large database about 150GB so restore is going to take a while.

Could you please advise what’s the best approach to keep these 2 containers alive, while restore is in progress?

Thanks once more Dmytro